
About Me
Hi everyone! My name is Sara, and I am 18 years old. I have been studying Police Technology at Ahuntsic College for two years now. Since I was a child, I always cared about others and I wanted to help people as much as I can. This is one of the reasons why I have chosen this program. Typically, it takes 3 years for a student to achieve this program, but I have decided to remove some of my courses at each semester and to do it in for 4 years instead of 3. It really helps me to be more organized and to work harder on each course. This program involves courses like criminology, self-defense, emergency care, law, physical education, sociology, communication, etc. These courses teach us how to be well-prepared for the École Nationale de Police du Québec (ENPQ). If everything goes the way I have planned it, I should have completed my program by the age of 20 years old. In order to be in the police, I will also need to go to the École Nationale de Police du Québec for fifteen weeks to refine some of the required skills to become a police officer. Finally, when I have graduated from the Quebec Police Academy, I will be ready to get hired by any police force in the province. 

About This Blog
In this blog, I am going to post stuff related to my school program. If you are studying Police Technology or if you find this field of study quite interesting, you should subscribe to my blog. I am going to share my knowledge and experience with you through this blog by using some of the Virtual Writing Tutor tools such as a glossary, a listicle, a screencast, a career summary, and a hypertext narrative. Also, I'll explain how the Virtual Writing Tutor can be helpful to ensure the quality of your writing, check your grammar, proofread your writing and correct the errors or omissions that are in your text. However, you can drop a comment down below if you have any questions or if you find mistakes in one of my posts and I’ll correct it. 

If you have made it ‘till this part of the post, I suppose that you have an interest in this topic. Otherwise, why would you be here? So, if you want to learn more about Police Technology, stay tuned because there’s a lot to come. 

I hope to see you soon! 



Messages les plus consultés de ce blogue

Policing Glossary

How the Virtual Writing Tutor Can Be Useful as a Police Officer