How the Virtual Writing Tutor Can Be Useful as a Police Officer

How the Virtual Writing Tutor Can Be Useful as a Police Officer


Hi everyone! My name is Sara, and I am 18 years old. For those of you who don't know me, I have been studying Police Technology at Ahuntsic College for two years now. This program involves courses like criminology, self-defense, emergency care, law, physical education, sociology, communication, etc. These courses teach us how to be well-prepared for the École Nationale de Police du Québec (ENPQ). I will need to go to the Quebec Police Academy for fifteen weeks so that I will refine some of the required skills to become a police officer. Finally, when I have graduated from the Quebec Police Academy, I will be ready to get hired by any police force in the province.

If you are like me, you sometimes have difficulties writing a text in a second language without making any grammar or spelling mistakes. This can be embarrassing when comes the moment of giving a report to your superiors.

Even though I’m not the most skilled when it comes to writing good sentences without making spelling and grammar mistakes, I am very determined to enhance my grammar and vocabulary, so I will be able to write error-free reports. Moreover, I'm probably not the one who has the biggest experience at screen-casting, but I have done a lot of research about it. That's why I'm convinced of the credibility upon the facts I'm going to introduce you today.

As I said, I have completed 2 years of my program, so I have already learned plenty of information related to my future job. Therefore, as a college student, I know how to do research on a specific subject and above all, I know the steps to take to make sure that these facts are coming from reliable sources.

In this presentation, I'll explain to you how to use the Virtual Writing Tutor to avoid spelling mistakes in technical reports.

If you are watching this, I suppose that you have an interest in this topic. Otherwise, why would you be here? So, get yourself comfortable and pay attention to my step-by-step tutorial.

You’ll be amazed by some functions of the Virtual Writing Tutor.

The Problem

Let me clarify the problem. After each intervention, a police officer needs to complete a report in which he or she needs to explain what happened by using a professional vocabulary and without making any spelling mistakes. In addition, police officers must consider that their daily reports might be presented to the court as a proof.

If there are too many errors in a report, it automatically loses all credibility.

For example, imagine that you write a report with many mistakes in the spelling of criminal terms, this can drastically affect the verdict of a judge.

Eliminate grammar and spelling errors can be difficult. But don’t worry. I am going to show you how to correct your errors easily by using the Virtual writing Tutor grammar check function.

The Quest

First, you’ll need to open your browser and type the URL Virtual Writing Tutor dot com into the address bar at the top of the screen in the middle. Then, hit enter. If it’s well-done, you will see this page.

In the top left corner of the screen is the Virtual Writing Tutor logo. Under this logo is a navigation menu where you can see all the functions of the website. In the top right corner of the screen, you can see some icons to share the website on social media. On the right-hand side of the screen, you can find the login link and click on it to log into your account or to create one if you don’t already have one. In the middle of the screen is a text area where you can type your text to correct your grammar and spelling mistakes. In the bottom right corner of the text area, you can see examples of different essays. Also, there are the check spelling, the microphone and the text-to-speech icons to help you to improve your spelling and pronunciation skills. At the right of these icons, there are two other icons to download your text in MP3 format as text-to-speech and to download your text as a doc file. To use these tools, you simply need to write your text in the text area and to click on the icon of your choice. Above the text area, you’ll see many icons to help you with the correction of your text. Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the screen to scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see all the information that you need to know in order to understand every tool of the website.

The Solution

Type your daily report in the text area that is in the middle of the screen. For example, you might want to write the following sentence in your technical report: The suspect walk over to is wife and forcefuly grab her by the rist. After you have written the part of your daily report that you want to correct, click on the ‘’Check Grammar’’ button in the top left corner of the text area to check your text for spelling and grammar errors. Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the screen to look at the feedback below the text area. You will see how many words you have written, the number of paragraphs, the error count and the error density of your text. Under these statistics, you can see the mistakes you have made and some tips to help you to correct it. In this case, the right way to write this sentence without any grammar or spelling errors would be: The suspect walked over to his wife and forcefully grabbed her by the wrist. You can now add this sentence to your report with absolute certainty that it doesn't contain any mistakes. When you are done with the Virtual Writing Tutor website, you can quit by clicking on the close button that is in the top right corner of the screen.

The Conclusion

To sum up, if you are in Police Technology or a related field, that’s how you can use the Virtual Writing Tutor to avoid spelling mistakes in technical reports.

I hope this screencast was useful to you and that you will incorporate it to your work strategies. Thank you for watching and have a great day.



Word count: 1070

Total MP3 length: 06:11

Target structure count: 15

Error count: 5

Error density: 1%


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